Thursday, July 24, 2014

My Story...

Hi my name is Heather and im eleven for awhile I thought I was a normal kid I guess that's what everyone thinks I am normal this and regular that your just who you want to be besides the little stuff that comes In life and you never think about all the little kids out their that are not the same perfect them they sit in the hospital hoping that none of it is real and it was all a dream but there wouldn't be bad dreams if there really wasn't something like that  I never thought things like this were so important until it happened to me most people you feel like its something rare and it barely ever happens but actually it happens every day as the world gets worse so do the people all the nasty stuff in the air
shouldn't be there.but as I was saying it happened to me so I will tell you the story it was the Forth of July weekend and we were at a produce stand selling homemade icecream on Friday and the next day well at six o'clock we went to my friends house for supper and after that me and my friend begged and begged for me to spend the night and then a once and a lifetime thing happened they finally said YES I was so proud and happy but I forgot that evening we went on a walk my mom and her friend and me and mine well ever since we had left the stand I had double vision but I didn't say anything on the way there I was just riding with my dad in the truck and enjoying it but when we were on our walk I told mom that I still had it I told her that I had it while we were in the truck and it was still doing it so we got back to there house and then when we got there since the day before was the Forth of July they were playing with sparklers which I always thought were cool even though you can get them for like 30 cents but they had them well my friend also has a brother and he had an idea so he went inside real quick and grabbed his bb gun and so we would start it really quick and put it in there and then shout it that was a fun experiment and  then we were going to leave then we asked and so I spent the night  the next day was Sunday and we woke up and she got me an outfit and then we had some oat meal which I really dislike a lot but I ate it any way well I was kind of having a belly ache but it was fine I could handle it. Well I get car sick so I sat in the middle seat  of the van and on the way there I was trying to drink as much water as I could so my belly wouldn't hurt, well we drove around for a long time to do a few things and then we got there... well I went inside, there were a few people there but not a lot maybe two families or three whatever not a lot, so we got in and me and my friend sat down and my belly was not feeling good at all well I thought I had to burp but I threw up all over the place i was so ashamed and frightened the people there helped me which I was already friends with them anyway but we went to their house because they lived like ten minutes from the place so I went and took a shower got a new pair of clothes and went back, which I did not want to do so badly but it is what it is so I went and sat back down and was so sleepy it was unbelievable but I managed to stay awake and so I got through that and afterwards they had a meal so I had some food and then they practiced on singing with the 13 and older  people, but then the preacher or teacher they only had one service so the one that spoke said that we could sing too and I was just like, "no thank you", but after they got done we went to the peoples house that helped me and had lunch and some other people from their church came but something that I noticed was that after  church I didn't feel good but I felt better afterward. when I went to their house they didn't talk about it a lot we just played and spent as much time together as we could but don't forget about the double vision cause I did still have it like I could play card games but I couldn't play volleyball which everyone wanted to play so there were some times I just sat somewhere because everyone was playing volleyball. so well I still had a lot of fun anyway and so we stayed there till night time and then we left and I got to spend the night again and then the next morning I went back home. well I told mom that I still had the double vision and so she set up a doctors appt. for the next day so I mostly just sat around that day but then i went to the doctors at 9:30 and they said my vision was good, then they checked my motor skills and I did good with all of them. Then  they said that i needed a cat scan to make sure everything was alright and in place and doing okay so i did that which took, well the time it took to go to 3 places and sign in, took long enough and then we had to wait, then we went back and I had it done in like 15 minutes then the results came in and they said something did not look right. The doctor said that they had contacted Vanderbilt and that they wanted me to come down to the emergency room to be checked out. So we went home and I packed a bag of clothes and we drove down to Vanderbilt. When we got there we went to the emergency room and got checked in, and they gave me an IV, and then they moved me into the ICU. I had a nurse that checked on me every hour and they were putting IV fluids in me, and I had a blood pressure cuff, and a thing on my toe to measure my heart rate. Which was really hard to sleep with. I couldn't eat after midnight or drink.  While we were in the emergency room, my dad went and got some Mcdonalds food. I ate a 1 buffalo ranch mcchicken and some fries. After that, and I was in the ICU, I tried to get some sleep, which was hard to do, because the nurse kept checking on me and waking me up. The next day I was able to go and get my MRI done at noon. They put me to sleep and then I woke up and I was horribly sleepy. I was sleepy and hungry but I couldn't eat because they were afraid I would get sick. The next day the doctor came in and showed my mom the MRI and it showed that I have a tumor in my brain. They wouldn't let me eat because they wanted to do a spinal tap on me to make sure that I didn't have a infection in my spine. We thought we might get to go home, but we ended up staying the night again and they moved me up to a regular room with a real bathroom and a shower. My back was hurting so bad from the spinal tap. I couldn't hardly move without screaming in pain. I got up to go to the bathroom and I wanted to take a shower, but my back was hurting and I couldn't even get up off the toilet to go lay down. So my mom told me that I was hurting too bad to take a shower and she helped me back into my bed. It got a little better the next morning and I really wanted to take a shower. So my mom let me get up and go to the bathroom and then I got in the shower and she helped me wash and washed my hair. My back really started back again and my mom had to practically carry me back to my bed. Whenever I would have to go to the bathroom, she would have to help me get there and get back to my bed. It started feeling a little better as the day went on, and we were able to go home that night.

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